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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Welcome To Kawasaki150RR fansite!!get your bike info HERE!

Hello,Aq Anas Amirul Aizat b.Adnan sbagai Admin blog ini..Aq mewujudkn blog ny untuk kita sama² kongsi 
tentang info motosikal KAWASAKI..Selamat datang kepada Semua!!!harap anda mendapat pengetahuan tentang motosikal yg anda minat.

1 comment:

  1. Kawasaki Ninja 150 RR is the latest launched motor bike by Kawasaki motors. Kawasaki Ninja 150 RR is the latest variant of the Kawasaki Ninja 249 cc machine. This is a racing bike, mostly used in motor bike races. This bike has 2-stroke, crankcase reedvalve, SuperKIPS, HSAS engine and generates a great performance.
    Kawasaki Ninja 150 Rr Price
